cognitive & dialectical behavioral therapy

CBT & DBT Therapy on Long Island

cognitive behavioral therapy

what is cbt?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy examines and changes the way your thinking, behavior, and emotions negatively impact your life. Cognitive therapy strategies focus on identifying and changing thought patterns that cause and maintain problematic emotions and behaviors.

our areas of expertise for adults

common psychological issues

Behaviorally-based strategies

Acceptance & mindfulness-based strategies reduce suffering & facilitate making meaning & working toward valued goals. Our behavior therapy strategies are based on learning theory and include:

collaborative sessions

Our collaborative sessions are focused & include developing goals & tracking progress. Clients actively participate in treatment, working in & out of sessions with strategies to practice at home.

our approach to treatment

Success with cbt & dbt

CBT & DBT now has overwhelming research support demonstrating its success with clients struggling with multiple problems.

dialectical behavioral therapy

what is dbt?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a specialized, comprehensive form of cognitive-behavioral therapy designed to help adults, adolescents & their families better manage their emotions, behaviors & relationships.

what problems does DBT solve?

DBT includes both individual therapy & weekly skills training sessions. DBT balances a validating & change- oriented approach & through ongoing assessment, problem solving & skills training, helps clients improve the following problems:


In DBT groups, clients learn skills to help with intense emotions that are overwhelming or last too long, strategies for increasing positive feelings and decreasing vulnerability to emotional ups and downs, how to communicate more effectively, decrease family conflict, decrease impulsivity, and improve focus and awareness to enhance coping, make better decisions and enjoy things more.

Become more centered, focused, and
aware in the here and now so that you can be more attentive and more thoughtful and deliberate in your actions.

Develop skills to help you ride out
emotional stressors and painful situations without worsening your problems or emotional state.

Enhance your interpersonal skills and become better equipped to maintain relationships, assert yourself, and build self-respect.

Work to understand your emotions better, develop strategies for reducing your vulnerabilities to negative or all-consuming emotions, increase positive emotions, and learn how to change painful emotions that you want to change.

Learn how to walk the middle path between extremes in your thinking or behavior, break free of black & white thinking, increase your ability to validate others and yourself, reduce family conflict, and learn more effective ways to change behaviors.


In individual DBT sessions we work together to increase effective strategies for managing emotions, behaviors and relationships, enhancing your quality of life, and decreasing stress and self-destructive or impulsive behaviors. We provide between session phone coaching to help you apply the skills you are learning without having to wait until the next session.

frequently asked questions


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